A very important distinction to make when using behavioral assessments within organizations for hiring or employee development is the difference in approaches between external candidates (those being considered for positions) versus internal personnel (those already employed).
Whenever you’re adding to the pool (workforce), you want to make sure that both pool and new additions will be a healthy balance.
It’s really pretty straightforward:
- For making hiring decisions, interviewing, etc., it is smart to maintain a “gatekeeper” mindset. In other words, one’s objective should be to make sure the candidate is up to speed behaviorally and technically for the responsibilities and requirements of the position. If there is any reason to think that passing on a particular candidate might be a good idea, it’s always wise to thoroughly evaluate pros and cons before the hire.
- When working with employees in your coaching / training discussions your main objective should be that of “cheerleader.” Your main goal in this scenario should be providing all the support and tools necessary to help employees improve performance, communication, and leadership skills.
It’s simple – think:
Whenever you need help with behavioral assessment of your current workforce or help with candidate selection decisions, please contact Lindsay at Windridge Consulting!