- Do you need help gaining a focused behavioral overview of the strengths and stretch points (position-specific) of your employees or yourself?
- Would you like to assess your current workforce (leadership, teams, departments, divisions, etc.) and identify their common strengths and specific areas that need training, coaching and employee development?
- Do you need help identifying the specific behaviors that will make for a great fit in your open positions?
- Do you want to create a focused onboarding or coaching program designed around behaviors, accountability and performance goals?
The gateway to better leadership development.
Windridge's Assessment Programs

What Windridge's Assessment Programs Offer
To the Employee
To the Manager
To the Organization
To the Employee
- The self-awareness to identify strengths and weaknesses
- An understanding of how one’s personality traits can affect their personal and professional relationships in both positive and negative ways
- A reduction of stress by understanding and correcting self-sabotage
- The ability to take immediate, corrective action in any deficient area
- The acknowledgement and awareness to build on natural employee development
To the Manager
- The knowledge gained will form the basis of improved trust
- The ability to know which workers are most likely to conform to the organization’s mission/vision statements
- A reduction in conflict with those who have oppositional behavior
- Manager’s manuals including overlays of each successful position, leading to greatly improved guidance and understanding
- Enhanced clarity of communication
- The empathy to realize the real reason people act the way they do – not the apparent one
- And understanding of which workers are self sufficient and which are not
- Freedom from bias and lack of fairness
To the Organization
- Enhanced ability for managers to lead their staff
- An objective measure of all of a program’s participants
- Profoundly enhanced communication; manager and worker can “speak the same language.”
- A uniform promotion/development/discipline system
- Enhanced team unity through increased openness and honesty
- Guidelines exceeding those of the state and federal EEOC when used for hiring and promotion
- The most accurate and inexpensive way to create an individual development plan
- An excellent basis for performance reviews and coaching programs
Winslow or DISC Assessment Deliverables
Winslow Assessment: for executives, transitions and advancement
- A 24-trait behavioral assessment and a 40+ page report providing feedback on the 24 trait scores, how they affect performance and the likelihood of success.
- Colored “Position Compatibility Summary” overlays applied to assessment results for identifying areas of strength and areas of concern specific to the workplace.
TTI DISC Assessment: measures how a person does what they do
TTI DISC assessment helps people:
- Minimize unnecessary conflict
- Increase productivity and engagement
- Enhance communication
- Maximize strengths
- Develop self-awareness
Would you be surprised to learn that people say or do almost anything to get a job? Would you be surprised if people “fibbed” a little during an interview? Would you be surprised that personal references are not always honest? Finding traits associated with job performance takes a special test, a special process to build a unique answer key and some special scoring tools. A great deal of your employment success depends on your ability to measure AIMs (i.e., for Attitudes, Interests, and Motivations) during selection.
Dr. Wendell Williams Ph.D.