You sit staring at the large stack of resumes for potential job candidates, how do you know which one is the best fit for the position you need filled? What are the telling traits, skills, attitudes that make this individual a potential joy to work with? On the contrary, how do you determine whether this unkown stranger might be someone to avoid? And, most important, how are you going to know how they will behave after the new is through and they have the job?
Or, possibly you find yourself tasked with identifying internal candidates tagged to fill critical roles within the organization. How do you know who has the drive and ambition to take themselves to the next level? How do you identify who will develop into a great leader due to an intricate balance of behaviors – tough and compassionate? Who should the organization put their time, energy and dollars into via coaching or training?
What bothers you most about the people you work with?
Don’t be shy… let’s get real… it’s their behaviors! Small things add up quickly in the daily grind and being able to quickly identify behavior traits, assets or liabilities, is critical to the success of your workforce.
- Behavior Assessments create a better work environment by providing a common unthreatening language for describing behaviors, a definite asset to the team building effort.
- Behavior Assessment feedback provides a place to begin personal/professional development and succession management strategies.
- Behavior Assessments actually contribute to the equality of the hiring process, by creating an objective “level playing field” for comparing candidates.
It’s pretty simple –
- Behavior Assessments = Information
- Information = Insights
- Insights = Smarter Hiring and Talent Management Decisions
Let’s start where it all begins – Internally.
Here is a list of the various areas to use Winslow Assessments internally.
- Needs Analysis – Objectively determine the specific training and development needs of individual employees.
- Succession Management – Identify the most suitable individual(s) to be groomed to replace those who will be promoted, transferred, retired or terminated.
- Reorganization Decisions – Determine which employees will function most successfully in the reorganized unit.
- Termination / Outplacement – To explore the possibility of changing duties, positions, managers, departments, etc., as an alternative to termination.
- Organizational Development – Identify the development needs of the organization as a whole – the strengths and weaknesses of the workforce.
- Performance Appraisals -Determine if employees are performing to potential and help them create their performance expectations based on assessment feedback around strengths to capitalize on and/or liabilities to be identified and modified.
- Career Pathing – Help advance individuals by identifying their career path choices based on where they fit now and where they need to develop their strengths, modify their weakness, and expand their areas of interests and/or expertise.
At Windridge we work with you to identify “best fit” candidates for the positions you are filling (all levels: top to bottom). We also provide behavioral assessment expertise (certification if desired) to help you develop your current workforce to their fullest potential.