Directions for Taking the Winslow Profile on the Internet
The following information is provided to ensure that your experience when taking the Winslow Profile will be successful. Please carefully read the following directions before proceeding to the Windridge Consulting Website to take the Profile.
The Winslow Dynamics Profile Password for Jane Doe is XXXXXX
- Use your Internet Browser to access
- When Windridge’s Home Page appears, mouse over the “Client Login” button on the right hand side of page and then click on Take a Winslow Assessment.
- Enter your Profile Password and click the “Continue” button.
- Carefully read the Directions, then, click the “Development” button to hear an important audio message. If you are an applicant for a position, please click the “Applicant” button instead. After listening to the appropriate message, click the “Proceed to Profile” button.
- To select answers to the questions, click the mouse arrow on the large answer buttons.
- The Profile has control questions that will detect any invalid answers. If your answers are not accurate and objective, you must retake the Profile.
- Most Participants complete the Profile in one hour. If you must exit the program before completing it, the System will save your answers and you can return later to complete it.
- Keep in mind, that 30% of those who take the Profile must retake it. This happens because they either intentionally or unintentionally selected positively biased, rather than objective answers, to the questions. You can avoid retaking the Profile by objectively selecting answers that best describes your personality as you are now. Be willing to acknowledge undesirable behaviors and avoid selecting socially desirable answers.
- If your answers are invalid, you may retake the Profile any time using the same Profile Password. In this case, it is important that you click the “Positively Biased Results” button at the bottom of the Directions page and listen to that audio message before retaking the Profile.
- When your answers to the Profile questions are Accurate & Objective the Report will be available only to the organization that asked you to take the Profile.
- If you require assistance, please email client support at or call 206.533.9700.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation!